In 2019, I decided to go to Paris to pursue a master's degree in photography. After a whole semester of unfortunate events (racism), mistreatment (racism) and general unhappiness (racism), I decided to leave Paris and head back to Dubai.
I arrived home after a long flight to discover a locked house. So, obviously, I decided to jump the fence and let myself in. However, lo and behold, I had an improper landing and crushed one of the vertebrae in my spine. After a major surgery and months of recovery, learning how to move again and be more active... coronavirus hit xP....
During the lockdown, I got a hold of some clay and started messing around with it. Eventually, I came up with our friend "PAL". Suddenly, all these ideas came rushing out of me. These ideas are now the stories and illustrations on these t-shirts.
After almost two years of figuring out how to start this business, with all the speed bumps and scams along the way, here is "PAL" and his stories as he maneuvers through life and tries to figure it all out.